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Probate Lawyer Lithia, FL

Probate Attorney

If you’ve recently lost a loved one, you should contact a Lithia, FL probate attorney to learn more about your next steps. Probate can be a lengthy and challenging process, but fortunately the professionals at Morton Law Firm LLC can help you through the process. Read on to learn more about what you can expect from probate, and get in touch with us for a free consultation.Probate Lawyer Lithia, FL with a wax seal on a document

What Is Probate?

When someone dies, their belongings don’t just magically appear on someone else’s doorstep. There’s a full legal process that needs to happen before any beneficiaries receive a single cent, and that legal process is called probate.

There are several steps to probate. The beneficiaries (the people who are going to receive your belongings after your death) need to be notified, and all of your assets need to be tracked down and valued. Your debts will have to be paid off, and the same goes for any outstanding taxes that you left behind. After all this, your beneficiaries can finally get what’s left of whatever you’re leaving behind for them. 

In short, probate is how the assets of the deceased are processed and distributed between his or her beneficiaries. And while it sounds simple enough on paper, probate can actually be a pretty frustrating process – especially if some family members disagree with the instructions left behind in a will.

Understanding The Will

A will is a document that outlines instructions for what should be done with the estate of the deceased. You may have seen this in movies before: A wealthy family patriarch (or matriarch) passes away, and all of his or her belongings get divided up between family and friends. The will says who gets what.

The will also names an executor, who is a trusted person who’s been chosen to oversee all the proceedings during probate. However, if certain family members disagree with the choice for executor, they may try to challenge the appointed executor in court. As you can imagine, this can cause plenty of drama and headaches for everyone involved.

What Happens Without A Will?

Splitting up your assets after your death is simple, yet frustrating – as long as there’s a will involved. If there’s no will at all, it becomes something much worse than just frustrating. Without a will, there’s no executor, and without an executor, it’s up to the state to choose who’s in charge of parceling out your assets.

Unfortunately, when the state chooses a representative to handle how your assets are handled, they won’t spend too much time learning about your family first. The state’s choice may be someone you can count on, or it could end up being an estranged family member or ex-spouse. Fortunately, a Lithia probate attorney can help you avoid the drama.

A Probate Attorney Can Help

Whether you’re trying to plan out your estate or just trying to make heads or tails of the probate process after losing a loved one, a probate attorney can help. It’s important to consult with a qualified legal professional when you’re planning for the future, and if you’re dealing with some infighting over who gets what after a death in the family, an experienced legal perspective can save you all a major headache.

If you’re ready to learn more, get in touch with Morton Law Firm PLLC today. Contact us for a free consultation, and see how a Lithia probate attorney from our office can help.

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